Matthew L. Kirwan 博士学术报告


报告题目Response of marshes to sea level rise: ecological and geomorphic factors

报告时间201671日(星期五) 下午1400  1500


报告人Matthew L. Kirwan 博士 美国弗吉尼亚海洋科学研究所



Kirwan博士2007年获美国杜克大学博士学位,从事滨海湿地生态地貌学的研究,已在Nature2篇), Science1篇), Nature Climate Change1篇), PNAS1篇)等顶级杂志发表论文三十余篇,其研究成果受到了国际上的广泛关注。

Matt Kirwan’s research focuses on how interactions between geomorphology and ecology govern the formation and survival of largescale landscapes, and how those landscapes respond to climate change. Most of his work takes place in salt marshes and coastal environments, where knowledge of these eco-geomorphic feedbacks is often important for human welfare and ecosystem management. His works include 1) carbon-climate feedbacks in the coastal zone, 2) the response of wetlands to sea level rise, enhanced CO2, and elevated temperatures, and 3) how humans influence wetlands through upland land use change and its effect on wetland migration and sediment delivery to the coast. To date, he published more than 30 papers in leading journals like Nature, Nature Clim. Change, PNAS, Rev. Geophys., Glob. Chang. Biol.


Kirwan, M.L., Temmerman, S., Skeehan, E., Guntenspergen, G., and Fagherazzi, S. Overestimation of marsh vulnerability to sea level rise. 2016. Nature Climate Change 6, 253-260.

Temmerman, S. and Kirwan, M.L., 2015. Building land with a rising sea.Science349, 588-589.

Kirwan, ML and Megonigal, JP, 2013. Tidal wetland stability in the face of human activity and sea level rise. Nature 504, 53-60.

Kirwan, ML and Mudd, SM. 2012. Response of salt-marsh carbon accumulation to climate change. Nature 489, 550-553.

Kirwan, ML and Murray, AB, 2007. A coupled geomorphic and ecological model of tidal marsh evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, v. 104, p. 6118-6122, doi:10.1073/pnas.0700958104.
